Who We Are
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CBC family photo, May 2023.
We are a city centre church with a love for the people of Colchester and beyond. We are active within the local community with our doors open every day of the week for various activities and events.
If you are looking for somewhere with a warm and friendly welcome and a passion for Jesus Christ, please join us at any of our Sunday services and have a look to see what we offer throughout the week.
CBC Fun on the Forecourt event, Christmas 2022.
Our Mission
To follow Jesus Christ. To be a growing, thriving, nurturing family of God. This is our mission. We believe that God’s purpose for our lives as a church is to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19), encouraging and strengthening one another in the faith as we do so. The ministry of Colchester Baptist Church has been ongoing for over 300 years and Jesus Christ has remained at the centre of it all. We are passionate about bringing Him into people’s lives to see positive change in our local community and beyond.
As a baptist church, we are part of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. We seek to be a welcoming fellowship in all that we do, so that people will find this a place in which to settle, integrate, grow and serve.
What we believe
We believe in one holy God, existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He created all things and is eternally faithful.
His word, the Bible, is our source of truth. Through reading and studying it, we are able to discover who God is and His purpose for our lives and this world.
Regarding this world, we believe that God has a plan to reconcile all people to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is done by Jesus’ death on the cross — a sacrifice taken in our place — and by believing that Jesus is Lord and God has raised Him to life. We therefore submit our lives to Him, to follow only His will.
We believe that Jesus came into this world as a man, being born of God through the Holy Spirit. He is truly divine and yet totally human. He lived a perfect life that we can learn from.
Jesus sent a Comforter — the Holy Spirit, to encourage us in the truth of who God is, find the words for our prayers, and remind us that we are children of God.
We truly believe that God loves us all unconditionally, without fail.
We believe that one day, we will be raised to a new life with Him; one where the pains and afflictions known in this world will simply not exist.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4
Find out more
If you’d like to find out more about Colchester Baptist Church, our services, activities and what we believe, then please feel to contact us. You can also find out more about what it means to be a Christian by visiting any of the links below:
The Baptist Union of Great Britain
Missions and agencies we also support:
The best way to find out who we are, is by joining us at one of our services!